Daisypath Vacation tickers

torstai 13. maaliskuuta 2014

~: 1 month since Scotland

~: 1 month since Scotland: Hello there! Now I'm finally getting my life some what under control, so I should be able to start blogging properly from now on. He…

^ klick on the "1 month since Scotland" to come to my new video!

Here's my very last exchange video! Buhuu. But yous can still ask me question, but I would prefer to get them to my new blog - so you can find me on ifancyanadventure.blogspot.fi!

I would really appreciate if you would join me on that journey, because I have a feeling, that it'll be absolutely amazing.

Lots of love, guys! x

torstai 6. helmikuuta 2014

Going back home.

So, I'm leaving on Sunday. This exchange year went sooooo much quicker than I thought it would - it's crazy! I'm really sad about how little I could blog during this time, but yeah, that's the negative thing about bad internet.

But when I go back home, I'll continue blogging - and with a good internet, so it will actually be real blogging. I will still talk about the exchange year over there as well, and lots of other stuff - like traveling in general and concerts.

So check it out if you want to: ifancyanadventure.blogspot.co.uk

tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2013

The Christmas Holiday

So Christmas happened. It was harder than I expected to be honest, but it was still interesting and an experience I will never forget. I really missed my family during Christmas time though, since it's a family holiday. It was nice, however! 

On the 24th, I spent Christmas together with Sara, since we both spend Christmas on Christmas eve in our home countries. We made "rice pudding", which is a traditional Christmas dish in both Finland and Denmark - but let me make this clear, it's not the exactly same thing as the British version of it. It's really good.

On the 25th, I spent Christmas together with my host family. We opened some gifts in the morning, and went out for a meal to a restaurant called Toby Carvery together with some of my host family's relatives. It was really nice, and I really enjoyed spending Christmas with them! I wouldn't mind having a culture in Finland, where you went out for a meal on Christmas, it was actually really nice.

You got those wee crowns on your head, which was an interesting feature :D

After Christmas a friend of ours from Aberdeen came down to visit us. We took Anne to the Edinburgh Dungeons and rode the Star Flyer (might not be the correct name, haha, oh well). It was absolutely amazing!

I really can't believe that the year is almost over! 2013 has been absolutely amazing. Can't believe that I can say that I came to Scotland last year in just a couple of days, and that I can shout out "I'm gonna meet my family and friends again this year!" It's ridiculous how quickly time passes. But it's okay, as long as you enjoy every second of it.

So HAPPY NEW YEAR every single one of you! No exceptions. I hope 2014 brings you all a lot of happiness and great moments!

And on that note, in just a couple of weeks we're going to put up our 5 months in Scotland video and that is going to be my last video from Scotland together with Sara :( Our thought for this video is, that we're going to answer questions you guys want to know. So start sending questions now! Anything about being an exchange student, about Scotland or about Edinburgh - yeah anything you want to know! We'll give advice and share experiences. So gogogogo for it!

sunnuntai 22. joulukuuta 2013

4 months video and Christmas joy


Here you go, our 4 months in Scotland video! Enjoy and embrace it.

A part from that, our holiday started this week. It's nice to just get to relax and not need to wake up early every day. Edinburgh is also so pretty during December! I love it. Only downside is that there's no snow, but then again there's apparently no snow back at home either, so that makes me a bit happier!:D I'm so excited for Christmas though! It's weird to spend it away from home, but at the same time it's going to be a nice experience. 

Happy Christmas everyone, hope you all have a great one! x

lauantai 14. joulukuuta 2013


I'm the best blogger in the world aren't I! It's not because of me though, I promise. It's because of the ridiculous excuse of an internet I have. Right now I'm at my friend Sara's place, so I decided to take this opportunity to tell you that I'm alive! Firstly, we made a 3 months video last month about our trip to London, and you can watch that here:

Our 4 months video will be up some time next week! I'm gonna make sure I link it here for you. And I'm gonna try to blog more during the last time here, at least once a week, since I'm already leaving in February - so if you have any specific suggestions, let me know.

Also, if anyone wants to stalk me a bit more than what is possible on this blog, make sure to click your way to twitter and follow @creisilie. I dare you.

So what has happened here? - Pretty much everything that is possible to happen. This week for example, we got to go and see the Lion King with our organisation and I spilled brown paint on my school uniform on Thursday, so I had to walk around with just a tank top under my blazer, which felt weird. Yesterday I went to see Catching Fire with Sara, and I'm buzzing to see the second Hobbit film as soon as possible. Life is in other words great!

Thomas, Lauren, me & Sara at our school's Christmas concert

Couple of weeks ago during double English. Made that morning so much better!

Being responsible and celebrating the 4 Advent Sundays by myself!

We celebrated the Finnish Independence day (HYVÄ SUOMIIII) after school by making makaroonilaatikkoa and suklaakakkua.  
And here's a sneakpeak about what our 4 months video is gonna be about! STAY TUNED!

maanantai 11. marraskuuta 2013

Long time, no see


Yes, I'm still alive. I have been having serious issues with my internet, which is driving me crazy, so unfortunately blogging hasn't been my first priority. Everything is going well anyway, and at the moment I'm actually thinking about staying here until June, instead of leaving in February.
Nothing is decided yet, but I really feel like I'd be so sad if I leave in February. But we'll see!

Last weekend was good anyway. On Friday I went for dinner with Sara, Chanti and Greta to a restaurant called Radhuni. I know that I'm a person who easily gets excited about food in general, but that was like extremely good! After that we rushed to the park near-by to see some fireworks, because apparently Scottish people can't get enough of them. There's always fireworks!
On Saturday I met up with Greta and Sara again, and just walked around Edinburgh. We did also visit a Swedish café, which was absolutely amazing! It was just so nice to walk into a place where they sell knäckebröd and kanelbullar. You just instantly feel like at home!
On Sunday we celebrated our friend Rachel's birthday by going iceskating and eating dinner at Pizza Hut. It was extremely fun, since no of the Scottish people involved knew how to actually ice skate. I got to drag them around the icerink and teach them - which actually was fun. 

Oh, and since all of the exchange students in our school were put into the politics class on Wednesday afternoons, the teacher thought that it'd be smart to learn about the Scottish Independence Debate and inform the Scottish students about it.
So that's the final result! Took a good 5-6 weeks to make it, and the twitter-birds on the bottom of the page are fabulous. 

But that's all for now. I'll try to be back as soon as possible again - I just have to figure out why my internet is as slow as a snail crossing the street. 
Take caaaaaare!