Daisypath Vacation tickers

tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2013

Bowling and Scottish countryside

Now I'm back at school again and all these exams and tests are starting to build up. I'm not gonna stress about them though - since I'm an exchange student. As long as I pass, I'm fine with it!
I also started reading the first book of the series Game of Thrones, and it's just brilliant!
But anyway, now when life is normal again, it's nice to look back at what I did last week, when we had our October break!

The first day of the October break, me and the other ETS-students from the closest area, got the chance to try some Scottish dancing with some French short-time students. It was so much fun, and we got promised, that we get to join in next time as well!
After that we had a horror film-night, we went to Edinburgh lots of times, scrapbooked and went to the zoo. On Wednesday, ETS had once again planned things for us to do - we got to go bowling!
It was lots of fun, and I'm actually quite good at it - won the first round and two strikes. It was also very nice to meet all the other students again, since we live in different areas.

From Thursday to Saturday me and Sara decided to join our area reps' to their cabin, which was located somewhere in a small village near Peebles. It was superduper beautiful, and they were so nice to us. On Friday we took a couple of hours long car trip long the Scottish borders, and saw all the mountains and the crazy amount of sheep. The scenery is just so breathtaking, it's crazy! I'm so happy I got to see that part of Scotland as well - the real countryside.

1 kommentti:

  1. Hei!

    Oon tykänny tästä sun blogista paljon! :) Osaisitko kertoa skotlannin lukiojärjestelmästä minkä verran? Oletko yksityisessä vaiko miksi sitä sanotaankaan valtionmaksamassa koulussa, voiko vaihto-oppilas mennä valtionmaksamaan kouluun? Ois kiva kun tekisit kysymys postauksen! Kaikkee hyvää sulle! :)
