Daisypath Vacation tickers

perjantai 11. lokakuuta 2013

Words cannot describe

I just feel so happy. The last two weeks have been like the best 2 weeks of my life. I've probably said that before, but I'm just gonna say that again, because it's true. I've always kind of been that kind of person who seeks happiness and thinks "Oh, I need that and that to be fully happy, so I'm just quite happy." This experience has taught me that it's not like that.
I'm so happy and grateful that I have a family who supports me back in Finland and Sweden. I know that I always have people to go back to and I can always call them and talk if something is wrong. I'm so thankful for all my friends back in Finland, who still haven't forgotten about me and that I talk to almost every day more or less. I'm so grateful for the family I got put into here. I'm happy they care for me, and that I have a safe place to go after a long day. I'm happy I have a nice school, where I can be just as weird as I want to be, without it being way to weird. I'm so fortunate to have gotten so many great friends over here, and that people are so nice, that I can basically talk to anyone, without it being weird.
So even though every day isn't perfect, and there are moments of drama and stuff, I'm still happy. I know everything will work out in the end, and right now this is the only place I want to be in. Of course I miss my family and friends back at home, but right know I don't want to go back. If someone gave me a ticket back to Finland right now, I would cry like a baby, because I want to be here.
Going as an exchange student was and remains the best decision I've ever made.

Some Game of Thrones -marathon last weekend.

Dress down day on thursday, and I look very amused I know.

Pre-dinner with Sara and Chanti before Scottish dancing on Thursday!

Nora last weekend <3



We locked them outside :) 
IKEA today!

Nora & Sara

They sold Julmust at Ikea, and I was about to die of happiness!

And cinnamon buns!

ps. on top of all of this, our october break finally started! So we had this Friday off, and school doesn't resume until the 21st!

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