Daisypath Vacation tickers

tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2013

Bowling and Scottish countryside

Now I'm back at school again and all these exams and tests are starting to build up. I'm not gonna stress about them though - since I'm an exchange student. As long as I pass, I'm fine with it!
I also started reading the first book of the series Game of Thrones, and it's just brilliant!
But anyway, now when life is normal again, it's nice to look back at what I did last week, when we had our October break!

The first day of the October break, me and the other ETS-students from the closest area, got the chance to try some Scottish dancing with some French short-time students. It was so much fun, and we got promised, that we get to join in next time as well!
After that we had a horror film-night, we went to Edinburgh lots of times, scrapbooked and went to the zoo. On Wednesday, ETS had once again planned things for us to do - we got to go bowling!
It was lots of fun, and I'm actually quite good at it - won the first round and two strikes. It was also very nice to meet all the other students again, since we live in different areas.

From Thursday to Saturday me and Sara decided to join our area reps' to their cabin, which was located somewhere in a small village near Peebles. It was superduper beautiful, and they were so nice to us. On Friday we took a couple of hours long car trip long the Scottish borders, and saw all the mountains and the crazy amount of sheep. The scenery is just so breathtaking, it's crazy! I'm so happy I got to see that part of Scotland as well - the real countryside.

lauantai 19. lokakuuta 2013


Time surely flies by quickly! So here I have my 2 months in Scotland video, which I filmed together with my fellow exchange student, Sara :) awkward in the beginning, and a bit more natural in the end - but it's fine. Hope you enjoy!

This October break has been crazy busy btw! On Wednesday we went bowling with our organization and Thursday-Saturday me and Sara went on a little adventure with our area reps, to the Scottish countryside. It was so beautiful, and I will post pictures from there as soon as possible. 

maanantai 14. lokakuuta 2013


Since it's October break we figured, that the best thing to do is to do a lot. Therefore we jumped on an early bus to Edinburgh, and eventually found our way to the Edinburgh Zoo! I'm not really a zoo person, since I get bored there quite easily, but in Edinburgh they have penguins, which happens to be my favourite animal, so I was just overly excited!
I'll just let the pictures talk, since I have nothing smart to say. It was a brilliant day though! 

perjantai 11. lokakuuta 2013

Words cannot describe

I just feel so happy. The last two weeks have been like the best 2 weeks of my life. I've probably said that before, but I'm just gonna say that again, because it's true. I've always kind of been that kind of person who seeks happiness and thinks "Oh, I need that and that to be fully happy, so I'm just quite happy." This experience has taught me that it's not like that.
I'm so happy and grateful that I have a family who supports me back in Finland and Sweden. I know that I always have people to go back to and I can always call them and talk if something is wrong. I'm so thankful for all my friends back in Finland, who still haven't forgotten about me and that I talk to almost every day more or less. I'm so grateful for the family I got put into here. I'm happy they care for me, and that I have a safe place to go after a long day. I'm happy I have a nice school, where I can be just as weird as I want to be, without it being way to weird. I'm so fortunate to have gotten so many great friends over here, and that people are so nice, that I can basically talk to anyone, without it being weird.
So even though every day isn't perfect, and there are moments of drama and stuff, I'm still happy. I know everything will work out in the end, and right now this is the only place I want to be in. Of course I miss my family and friends back at home, but right know I don't want to go back. If someone gave me a ticket back to Finland right now, I would cry like a baby, because I want to be here.
Going as an exchange student was and remains the best decision I've ever made.

Some Game of Thrones -marathon last weekend.

Dress down day on thursday, and I look very amused I know.

Pre-dinner with Sara and Chanti before Scottish dancing on Thursday!

Nora last weekend <3



We locked them outside :) 
IKEA today!

Nora & Sara

They sold Julmust at Ikea, and I was about to die of happiness!

And cinnamon buns!

ps. on top of all of this, our october break finally started! So we had this Friday off, and school doesn't resume until the 21st!

sunnuntai 6. lokakuuta 2013

I'ts been 7 weeks

Kirjoitan tästä lähtien englanniksi blogia, sillä sitä on toivottu ja mä en jaksa kirjoittaa kahdella kielellä valitettavasti. Eli tästä lähtee!

So, I've been here for exactly 7 weeks now. It feels mental! Honestly - it feels like I just arrived. It's amazing how I've managed to build up an entirely new life here during these weeks though. I still can't get my head around that - it's incrediblee!
And because one of my very favourite songs, is built around being away from home for 7 weeks and still having more to go, I decided to make this into a theme post - I'll link you some songs that I've listened a lot to during these weeks. So without further ado, enjoy! 

It's been 7 weeks since I saw your face in real life,
stroked your hair, smelled your skin, felt your breath against my chin.

This is harder than it seems, to try and fulfill your dreams

'Cause all I want right now is you

but this is where I have to be.

And I will see you when I'm coming back to Finland

And I will see you when the raindrops turn to snow

when February comes, I will be home

Edinburgh says hello

I thought you ought to know

Out of the darkness and into the sun

But I won't forget the place I come from

I gotta take a risk, take a chance, make a change

Kun tänään lähden otan mukaan mitä tarvitsen,

taivaalta tähden valitsen ja sitä seurailen

Kun tänään lähden en taakse aio vilkaistakaan
taivaalta tähden valitsen vaikken sitä kiinni saa

There is a place for everyone
Here is where I belong

I have searched and I have found
And this is what I have become

How many can face me

And still amaze me

Tonight I'll be like Armstrong

and I'm doing what seems impossible
Tonight I'll be the rocket man 
And make it look incredible

Just like 40 years ago

Still, it's a thrill to walk in the unknown without fear
Tonight I'm being at the edge of the human frontier

keskiviikko 2. lokakuuta 2013

Se tunne kun

Se tunne kun.. meet kouluun ja sulla on tervetullut olo.
                        meet registrationiin, ja tunnet olevasi yksi muiden seassa.
                        hankkiudut historian tunnille, ja opettaja ei ilmesty paikalle koko tunnin aikana.
                     .. joka johtaa siihen, että kaksi opettajaa tulee huutamaan teidän koko luokallenne, koska      
                        ette menneet kertomaan opettajan poissaolosta kenellekään.
                        kaverisi yrittää ojentaa paperikasaa toiseen pöytään, ja yrittää saada heidän huomionsa 
                        kaikin keinoin, mutta he eivät huomaa ja sinä vaan naurat.
                        joku kysyy mikä sun nimi on ja mistä oot kotoisin.
                        kuvisope on tyytyväinen tekemääsi työhön.
                        naurat maha kippurassa koko lounaan, koska sulla ei voisi asiat olla yhtään tän          